Monday, September 28, 2015

The Path of Gratitude

       This week we will begin our yearly Sermon series dealing with all things money… Yes, this is the time of the year when the church goes out and beats the bushes looking to collect all of your hard-earned money so that we can pay the bills and keep the pastor employed. Unfortunately, when many people hear the phrase “Stewardship Campaign” that’s all they envision. Well, we’re out to change that this year. This year we are embarking on a “Gratitude Path” where we will challenged over the next 5 weeks to be grateful for all that God has done for us in our lives. We believe that the majority of Christ’s teaching on giving throughout scripture centers around both joy and gratefulness for all that he has first given us. We also believe that if we will look, not at what we can do for God, but what God has done for us, we will begin to approach this idea of giving in a whole new light. Of course, this will take hard work and maybe even a shift in how we live in order to move from giving out of duty to giving out of gratitude. So my hope is that you will join us this month as we journey down the Gratitude Path. And whether you join us in service or just listen online, I pray that you will be challenged in your response to God through the giving of your time, talent and resources.                                                                 ~Matt Mitchell

Date            Sermon LinkScripture Passage
        09/27/2015          Saying Thanks   Luke 17:11-19         
         10/4/2015  God Loves a Cheerful Giver  2 Corinthians 9:6-15
         10/11/2015Rich in God or Rich in Things    1 Timothy 6:17-19
         10/18/2015The Problem with Bigger Barns     Luke 12:13-21 
        10/25/2015The Eternal View of Wealth  1 Timothy 6:17-19

Monday, September 21, 2015

The "Why" Series

The "Why" Series

Just click on the sermon title link to listen, and on the scripture link to go to to read the appropriate passage.

Date            Sermon LinkScripture Passage
  08/02/2015 Is Christ the Only Way to Heaven? John 14:6
08/09/2015 Why Does God Allow Satan To Ruin Job? Job 1     
08/16/2015  How Do We Understand the Trinity?                    John 16:12-15                 
08/23/2015        How Do I Pray In Jesus' Name? John 14:9-15  
08/30/2015          Can I Do Greater Things Than Jesus?                      John 14:9-15   
 09/06/2015          Why Is There So Much Evil In This World?   John 15:18-25   
 09/20/2015Why Is The Bible So Hard To Understand? 2 Timothy 3:14-17  

Jesus' Final Days - Lenten Series 2020

Lent is a time when the church seeks to pause and reflect upon Jesus’ journey to the Cross. Startin g Sunday, March 1 st , FPC will tak...